The Beginnings Of Catholic Theol

The theology of the Church, as distinguished from the current traditional

theology, was the statement of the beliefs commonly held by Christians but

expressed in the more precise and scientific language of current

philosophy, the co-ordination of those beliefs as so stated together with

their necessary consequences, and their proof by reference to Holy

Scripture and reason. In this attempt to build up a body of reasoned

religious ideas there were two lines of thought or interpretation of the

common Christianity already distinguished by the middle of the second

century, and destined to hold a permanent place in the Church. These were

the apologetic conception of Christianity as primarily a revealed

philosophy (§ 32), and the so-called Asia Minor school of theology, with

its conception of Christianity as primarily salvation from sin and

corruptibility (§ 33). In both lines of interpretation the Incarnation

played an essential part: in the apologetic as insuring the truth of the

revealed philosophy, in the Asia Minor theology as imparting to

corruptible man the divine incorruptibility.

