A Prayer For Four Dollars.

A Home Missionary from Brooklyn called one day upon an editor to gather

some tracts for distribution which he had published. The editor became

interested in the story of his visits among the poor, and though at

first not specially moved to give money at that time, yet toward the

last, putting his hand into his pocket he pulled out all the bills there

were there, $4, and gave them to the missionary with these words: "There

/> is something which may come useful." The gift was all forgotten until a

few days afterward the missionary returned and said to the editor,

"After I left you I received a letter from a poor lady who had been

owing money for rent for several months, which she could not possibly

pay. That very morning the landlord came and said that if she could only

raise $4 he would excuse the rest; but she did not have the $4. I did

not know where to get it. I happened to drop in to see you; did not tell

you anything of the need, and asked for nothing; yet you gave me the

exact $4 to answer that poor woman's prayer."

An infinite Creator and God had brought these circumstances together in

this exact way. Neither the editor nor missionary had ever met before.

The missionary did not know that the lady was in distress. Who was it

that sent the landlord to the lady and fixed that amount of $4 in his

mind? Who was it that sent the home missionary to the office of a person

he had never seen or known? Who was it that knew of the $4 waiting in

that pocket and prompted that hand to take it out and give it away? Who

was it that led that missionary to obtain and send relief just as she

was praying for that special amount?

_Was it chance or science? No, No. It was the will of a loving God_.

