Another Example Of Beneficence.

"A liberal donor, in enclosing $100 to a sister institution, but

strictly withholding his name, says, 'When I began business, it was with

the intention and hope to become rich. A year afterward I became, as I

trust, a Christian, and about the same time met with 'Cobb's

Resolutions,' which I adopted. Some four or five years later, I read

'Normand Smith's Memoir,' and also Wesley's 'Sermon on the use of

Money,' which led me to devote all my gains to benevolent uses,

reserving to myself $5,000 while I remained unmarried, part of which I

have bequeathed to relatives, and the remainder to benevolent societies.

Up to this time--about sixteen years--by the grace of God--nothing

else--I have given about $24,500 to benevolent purposes, and lent about

$500 to those in need, which has not been returned; making in all about

