Feneberg's Loan To The Lord.

"A poor man with an empty purse came one day to Michael Feneberg, the

godly pastor of Seeg, in Bavaria, and begged three crowns, that he might

finish his journey. It was all the money Feneberg had, but as he

besought him so earnestly in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus he

gave it. Immediately after, he found himself in great outward need, and

seeing no way of relief he prayed, saying, 'Lord, I lent Thee three

wns; Thou hast not yet returned them, and Thou knowest how I need

them. Lord, I pray Thee, give them back.' The same day a messenger

brought a money-letter, which Gossner, his assistant, reached over to

Feneberg, saying, 'Here, father, is what you expended.' The letter

contained two hundred thalers, or about one hundred and fifty dollars,

which the poor traveler had begged from a rich man for the vicar; and

the childlike old man, in joyful amazement, cried out, 'Ah, dear Lord,

one dare ask nothing of Thee, for straightway Thou makest one feel so

much ashamed!'"

