From Wealth, To Poverty.

A lady of superior culture and refinement, fell from opulence to extreme

poverty, within four years. No less ready when at the bottom of

fortune's ladder, than at the top, to do good as she had opportunity,

she paid another poor woman's way to a neighboring State, where

employment awaited her, and did it literally with her _last_ dollar-and

a-half! Supposing herself the possessor of a ten cent note, over and

above the
welve shillings, she went with her somewhat feeble protege

over Jersey city ferry, and saw her safely in the cars. Starting back,

she was dismayed to find no ten cents in her pocket-book, and, all too

late, remembered having paid it for a quart of milk that morning; the

sole breakfast of herself and daughter. Night was approaching--what to

do she did not know. She had a plain, worn, old gold ring on her finger;

she took it off, offered it to the ferry-master, who would not take it,

though she told him she found her money gone and would redeem it next

day. She went back in the ladies' room and told it to the Lord,

beseeching his assistance. Just then, a girl passing, jostled against

her and knocked down her parasol. She picked it up, happened to turn it

upside down, and out rolled a _five-cent nickel!_ The Lord, then, hears

prayer for even _five cents_ to provide for the comfort and need of

those whom He loves.

