He Forgetteth Not The Cry Of The Humble.

A City home missionary has told us of the case of a poor colored family,

the husband nearly one hundred years old, totally incapacitated for

work, and confined to his room by sickness nearly twelve years.

Although very often in straitened circumstances, the Lord has never left

them to want for any good they needed, having, in a truly wonderful

manner supplied their wants, in answer to prayer. The wife, having for a
long time been kept from the enjoyment of church privileges by close

confinement, she had been sorely tempted to doubt her acceptance in

Christ, and was in great darkness for days; but one day, in reading the

following words, found in the fifteenth chapter of John, _"If ye abide

in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall

be done unto you,"_ she was led to go to God in prayer, and to ask, if

not wrong in his sight, to grant her a request, that she might know that

her prayer was answered, and that she was abiding in Him. The request

was that, as they were in trouble for the rent coming due the next day,

and still in need of _three dollars,_ that the Lord would send them a

friend in a stranger, some one that they had never seen before, and that

he would put it into the heart of that stranger to give them three

dollars, and then they would not be tempted to believe, as they had

sometimes before, that it would have been sent by a friend even if they

had not prayed.

"But," said she, "I knows if a stranger comes, none but the Lord could

send, then I would know the Lord heard my prayer, and I was truly the

Lord's. So I watch for the answer for you knows, brother, when we prays,

the Lord says we must believe we shall receive what we ask of Him, and

then He will give it. So I watch and listen for the knock at the door,

and do you believe me, brother, about three o'clock in the afternoon, I

hears a knock and opens the door, and a strange lady was there, one I

never saw before, and asked me if Mrs. H---- lived here; and said she

had been looking for us before, but could not find us; 'when, to-day I

felt I must try again, and I am so glad I have found you. I heard of you

through a friend who has known you a long time.' She spoke many kind

words, and when she took my hand to say good-by, she left a little roll

of notes, and when she is gone I count it, and _it was just three

dollars._ I is been so happy ever since. I loves to tell how good the

Lord has been to us; every time I does so I feels so happy."

