John Easter's Prayer.

In his "Memorials of Methodism in Virginia," Dr. W.W. Bennet relates the

following incidents in the life of John Easter, one of the pioneer

ministers who labored there nearly one hundred years ago: He is

represented as being the most powerful exhortatory preacher of his day.

His faith was transcendent, his appeals irresistible, his prayers like

talking with God face to face. Perhaps no man has ever been more

signally h
nored of God as an instrument in the conversion of souls. On

one of his circuits eighteen hundred members were added to the church in

a single year.

Many thrilling scenes under his preaching yet linger among the people in

those counties where he principally labored. A most extraordinary

display of his faith was witnessed in Brunswick. At Merritt's meeting-

house a quarterly meeting was in progress, and so vast was the concourse

of people from many miles around, that the services were conducted in a

beautiful grove near the church. In the midst of the exercises, a heavy

cloud arose, and swept rapidly towards the place of worship. From the

skirts of the grove the rain could be seen coming on across the fields.

The people were in consternation; no house could hold one-third of the

multitude, and they were about to scatter in all directions. Easter rose

in the midst of the confusion--"Brethren," cried he at the top of his

voice, "be still while I call upon God to stay the clouds, till His word

can be preached to perishing sinners." Arrested by his voice and manner,

they stood between hope and fear. He kneeled down and offered a fervent

prayer that God would then stay the rain, that the preaching of His word

might go on, and afterwards send refreshing showers. _While he was

praying, the angry cloud, as it swiftly rolled up to them, was seen to

part asunder in the midst, pass on either side of them, and close again

beyond, leaving a space several hundred yards in circumference perfectly

dry. The next morning a copious rain fell again, and the fields that had

been left dry were well watered_."

