Light Given To A Blind Child.

"A missionary visiting one of the mission schools of Brooklyn, was

introduced to a remarkable child. He was brought into the school from

the highways and hedges, and young as he was, he had been taught of God.

One day he was playing with powder, and putting his mouth to the match

to blow it, it exploded, and the whole charge went into his face and

eyes. He became totally blind, and the physician gave but little hope of

recovery. But the little sufferer was patient and calm, and even

hopeful; sitting through the dark days meditating on what he had learned

at the mission Sabbath-school, and repeating passages of Scripture and

many a beautiful hymn.

"One evening after the physician had spoken discouragingly, and his

parents, as he perceived, were in deep distress, he was absorbed on his

knees in a corner of the room in earnest prayer. His voice, though

subdued almost to a whisper, was indicative of intense feeling. His

parents inquired what he had been praying so earnestly for. Why, said

he, that _Jesus Christ would open my eyes. The doctor says he can't, and

so I thought I would ask the Savior to do it for me. God honored his

faith. In a few days his sight came to him; and the prayer was answered.

He can now see clearly_."

