Church Discipline

The Church was the company of the saints. How far, then, could the Church

tolerate in its midst those who had committed serious offences against the

moral law? A case had occurred in the Corinthian church about which St.

Paul had given some instructions to the Christians of that city (cf. I

Cor. 5:3-5; II Cor. 13:10). There was the idea current that sins after

baptism admitted of no pardon and involved permanent exclusion from the<
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Church (cf. Heb. 10:26). A distinction was also made as to sins whereby

some were regarded as "sins unto death" and not admitting of pardon (cf.

I John 5:16). In principle, the exclusion from the Church of those who had

committed gross sins was recognized, but as the Church grew it soon became

a serious question as to the extent to which this strict discipline could

be enforced. We find, therefore, a well-defined movement toward relaxing

this rigor of the law. The beginning appears in Hermas, who admits the

possibility of one repentance after baptism. A special problem was

presented from the first by the difference between the conceptions of

marriage held by the Christians and by the heathen. The Church very early

took the position that marriage in some sense was indissoluble, that so

long as both parties to a marriage lived, neither could marry again, but

after the death of one party the surviving spouse could remarry, although

this second marriage was looked upon with some disfavor. Both the idea of

a second repentance and the idea of the indissolubility of marriage are

expressed in the following extract from Hermas:

Hermas, Pastor, Man. IV, I, 3.

Hermas wrote in the second century. Opinions have varied as to his

date, some putting him near the beginning, some near the middle of

the century. The weight of opinion seems to be that he lived

shortly before 150. His work entitled The Pastor is in the form

of revelations, and was therefore thought to partake of an

inspiration similar to that of Holy Scripture. This naturally gave

it a place among Scriptures for a while and accounts for the great

popularity of the work in the early Church. It is the best example

of an extensive apocalyptic literature which flourished in the

Church in the first two centuries.

Ch. 1. If the husband should not take her back [i.e., the penitent wife

who has committed adultery] he sins, and brings a great sin upon himself;

for he ought to take back her who has sinned and repented; but not

frequently; for there is but one repentance to the servants of God

[i.e., after becoming the servants of God]. On account of her repentance

[i.e., because she may repent, and therefore should be taken back] the

husband ought not to marry. This treatment applies to the woman and to the


Ch. 3. And I said to him: "I should like to continue my questions." "Speak

on," said he. And I said: "I have heard, sir, from some teachers that

there is no other repentance than that when we descend into the water and

receive remission of our former sins." He said to me: "Thou hast well

heard, for so it is. For he who has received remission of his sins ought

to sin no more, but to live in purity. Since, however, you inquire

diligently into all things, I will point out this also to you, not as

giving occasion for error to those who are to believe, or have lately

believed, in the Lord. For those who have now believed and those who are

to believe have not repentance of their sins, but they have remission of

their former sins. For to those who have been called before these days the

Lord has set repentance. For the Lord, who knows the heart and foreknows

all things, knew the weakness of men and the manifold wiles of the devil,

that he would inflict some evil on the servants of God and would act

wickedly against them. The Lord, therefore, being merciful, has had mercy

on the works of His hands and has set repentance for them; and has

intrusted to me the power over this repentance. And therefore I say unto

you," he said, "that if after that great and holy calling any one is

tempted by the devil and sins, he has one repentance. But if thereupon he

should sin and then repent, to such a man his repentance is of no benefit;

for with difficulty will he live."(23)

