Results Of The Decision Of Chalc

The definition of the Council of Chalcedon, in spite of its condemnation

of Nestorius and its approval of the letters of Cyril, was a triumph of

the Antiochian school and a condemnation of Alexandrian theology. At

Chalcedon no more than at Nicaea was a controversy settled. So far from

being settled at the council, Monophysitism began with it its long career

in the Eastern Church only to end in permanent schisms. As soon as the

results of Chalcedon were known the Church was in an uproar. Riots broke

out in Jerusalem against the patriarch. At Alexandria, Timothy AElurus, a

Monophysite, was able to drive out the orthodox patriarch. In Antioch,

Petrus Fullo did the same and added to the liturgical Trisagion [Is. 6:3]

the Theopaschite phrase: "God who was crucified for us." The Emperor

Marcian died 457 and was succeeded by Leo I (457-474). His grandson Leo II

(474) was succeeded by his father Zeno (474-475, 477-491). Zeno was

temporarily deposed by Basiliscus (475-477), who, basing his authority

upon the Monophysite faction, issued an Encyclion condemning Chalcedon and

Leo's Epistle, and making Monophysitism the religion of the Empire. Zeno

was restored by a Dyophysite faction under the lead of Acacius, patriarch

of Constantinople. Zeno, to win back the Monophysites, issued in 482 the

Henoticon, setting aside Chalcedon and making only the definition of

Nicaea authoritative. Dissatisfaction arose on both sides, and minor

schisms in the East took place. With Rome a schism arose lasting 484-519.

Additional source material: Evagrius, Hist. Ec., lib. III.

(a) Basiliscus, Encyclion; A. D. 476; in Evagrius, Hist. Ec., III,

4. (MSG, 86, II:2600.) Cf. Kirch, nn. 879 f.

Although an anti-encyclion was issued in 477 condemning Eutyches

as well as Nestorius, the attempts of Basiliscus were in vain.

The Emperor Caesar Basiliscus, pious, victorious, triumphant, supreme,

ever-worshipful Augustus, and Marcus, the most noble Caesar, to Timotheus,

archbishop of the great city of the Alexandrians, most reverend and

beloved of God.

Whatever laws the pious emperors before us, who worshipped the blessed and

immortal and life-giving Trinity, have decreed in behalf of the true and

apostolic faith, these laws, we say, as always beneficial for the whole

world, we will at no time to be inoperative, but rather we promulgate them

as our own. We, preferring piety and zeal in the cause of our God and

Saviour, Jesus Christ, who created and has made us glorious before all

diligence in human affairs, and also believing that concord among the

flocks of Christ is the preservation of ourselves and our subjects, the

firm foundation and unshaken bulwark of our Empire, and, accordingly,

being rightly moved with godly zeal and offering to God and our Saviour,

Jesus Christ, the unity of the holy Church as the first-fruits of our

reign, do ordain as the basis and confirmation of human felicity, namely,

the symbol of the three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers who were in time

past assembled with the Holy Ghost at Nicaea, into which both ourselves and

all our believing subjects were baptized; that this alone should have

reception and authority with the orthodox people in all the most holy

churches of God as the only formulary of the right faith, and sufficient

for the utter destruction of all heresy and for the complete unity of the

holy churches of God; the acts of the one hundred and fifty holy Fathers

assembled in this imperial city, in confirmation of the sacred symbol

itself and in condemnation of those who blasphemed against the Holy Ghost,

retaining their own force; as well as of all done in the metropolitan city

of the Ephesians against the impious Nestorius and those who subsequently

favored his opinions.(200) But the proceedings which have disturbed the

unity and good order of the holy churches of God, and the peace of the

whole world, that is to say, the so-called Tome of Leo, and all things

done at Chalcedon in innovation upon the before-mentioned holy symbol of

the three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers, whether by way of definition

of the faith or setting forth of symbols, or interpretation, or

instruction, or discourse; we decree that these shall be anathematized

both here and everywhere by all the most holy bishops in every church and

shall be given to the flames by whomsoever they shall be found, insomuch

as it was so enjoined respecting all heretical doctrines by our

predecessors of pious and blessed memory, Constantine and Theodosius the

younger [v. supra, § 73], and that, having thus been rendered null, they

shall be utterly cast out from the one and only Catholic and Apostolic

Orthodox Church, as superseding the everlasting and saving definitions of

the three hundred and eighteen Fathers, and those of the blessed Fathers

who, by the Holy Ghost, decreed at Ephesus [it is possible that there is a

fault in the text here; the expected reading of the passage would be: and

of the one hundred and fifty bishops who decreed concerning the Holy

Spirit; and of those who were assembled at Ephesus] that no one, either of

the priesthood or laity, be allowed to deviate in any respect from that

most sacred constitution of the holy symbol, and we decree that these be

anathematized together with all the innovations upon the sacred symbol

which were made at Chalcedon and the heresy of those who do not confess

that the only begotten Son of God was truly incarnate and made man of the

Holy Ghost and of the holy and ever-virgin Mary, Theotokos, but falsely

allege that either from heaven or in mere phantasy and seeming He took

flesh; and, in short, every heresy and whatever else at any time in any

manner or place in the whole world, in either thought or word, has been

devised as an innovation upon and in derogation of the sacred symbol. And

inasmuch as it belongs especially to imperial providence to furnish to

their subjects, with forecasting deliberation, security not only for the

present but for the future, we decree that everywhere the most holy

bishops shall subscribe to this our sacred circular letter when exhibited

to them, and shall distinctly declare that they submit to the sacred

symbol of the three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers alone, which the one

hundred and fifty holy Fathers confirmed, as it was also defined by the

most holy Fathers who subsequently assembled in the metropolitan city of

the Ephesians, that they should submit to the sacred symbol of the three

hundred and eighteen holy Fathers, as the definition of faith, and shall

anathematize everything done at Chalcedon as an offence to the orthodox

people and utterly cast it out of the churches as an impediment to the

general happiness and our own.(201) Those, moreover, who after the issuing

of this our sacred letter, which we trust has been issued according to

God, in an endeavor to bring about that unity which all desire for the

holy churches of God, shall attempt to bring forward or so much as to name

the innovation upon the faith made at Chalcedon, either in discourse,

instruction, or writing, in whatsoever manner or place--those persons, as

the cause of confusion and tumult in the churches of God and among the

whole body of our subjects, and as enemies of God and to our safety, we

command (in accordance with the laws ordained by our predecessor

Theodosius, of blessed and pious memory, against such sorts of evil

designs, which laws are subjoined to this our sacred circular) that, if

they be bishops or clergy, they be deposed; if monks or laymen, that they

be subjected to banishment and every mode of confiscation and the severest

penalties. For so the holy and homoousian Trinity, the Creator and

Life-giver of the universe, which has ever been adored by us in piety, now

also is served by us in the destruction of the before-mentioned tares and

the confirmation of the true and apostolic traditions of the holy symbol,

becoming favorable and gracious both to our souls and to every one of our

subjects, shall ever aid us and preserve in peace human affairs.

(b) Zeno, Henoticon; in Evagrius, Hist. Ec., III, 14. (MSG, 86,

II:2620.) Cf. Kirch, nn. 883 f.

Zeno published his Henoticon in 482 as an attempt to win back

the Monophysites. Evagrius says, in a note to the document: "When

these things were read, those who were in Alexandria were joined

to the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church." The effect so far as

the West went was just the opposite. Felix III protested and

threatened. But Acacius, bishop of Constantinople, who was chiefly

responsible for the document, refused to listen. Felix (cf.

Evagrius, III, 18) and Acacius thereupon issued mutual

excommunications. On the accession of the Emperor Anastasius

[491-518] the Henoticon continued in force, as his sympathies

were with the Monophysites. It will be noted that the Henoticon

not merely sets aside Chalcedon but introduces phrases which make

it appear that the same moral subject is present in every act,

whether of humility or majesty, and that it is God who suffers.

These are characteristic Monophysite positions.

The Emperor Caesar Zeno, pious, victorious, triumphant, supreme,

ever-worshipful Augustus, to the most reverend bishops and clergy, and to

the monks and laity throughout Alexandria, Egypt, Libya, and Pentapolis.

Being assured that the origin and constitution, the might and invincible

shield of our sovereignty, is the only right and true faith, which the

three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers assembled at Nicaea set forth by

divine inspiration, and the one hundred and fifty holy Fathers who in like

manner met at Constantinople, confirmed; we night and day employ every

means of prayer, of zealous care, and of laws, that the holy Catholic and

Apostolic Church of God in every place may be multiplied, which is the

incorruptible and immortal mother of our sceptre; and that the pious

laity, continuing in peace and unanimity in respect to God, may, together

with the bishops, highly beloved of God, the most pious clergy, the

archimandrites, and monks, offer up acceptably their supplications in

behalf of our sovereignty. So long as our great God and Saviour, Jesus

Christ, who was made man and brought forth of Mary, the holy Virgin and

Theotokos, approves and readily accepts the praise we render by concord

and our service, the power of enemies will be crushed and swept away, and

all will bend their necks to our power, which is according to God, and

peace and its blessings, kindly temperature, abundant produce, and

whatever else is beneficial will be liberally bestowed upon men. Since,

then, the irreprehensible faith is the preserver of both ourselves and

Roman affairs, petitions have been offered to us from pious archimandrites

and hermits and other venerable persons, imploring with tears that there

be unity for the most holy churches, and the parts should be joined to

parts which the enemy of all good has of old time attempted to keep apart,

knowing that, if he assails the body of the Church sound and complete, he

will be defeated. For, since it happens that of unnumbered generations

which during the lapse of so many years in time have withdrawn from life,

some have departed deprived of the laver of regeneration, and others have

been borne away on the inevitable journey of man without having partaken

of the divine communion; and innumerable murders have also been committed;

and not only the earth, but the very air has been filled by a multitude of

blood-sheddings, who would not pray that this state of things might be

transformed into good? For this reason we were anxious that you should

know that neither we nor the churches everywhere have ever held or shall

hold, nor are we aware of any persons who hold, any other symbol or

teaching or definition of faith or creed than the aforementioned holy

symbol of the three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers, which the aforesaid

one hundred and fifty holy Fathers confirmed. If any person should hold

such, we regard him as an alien; for we are confident that this symbol

alone is, as we said, the preserver of our sovereignty. And all the people

desiring the saving illumination were baptized, receiving this faith only,

and this the holy Fathers assembled at Ephesus also followed; who deposed

the impious Nestorius and those who subsequently held his sentiments. And

this Nestorius we also anathematize, together with Eutyches and all who

entertain opinions contrary to the above-mentioned, receiving at the same

time the twelve chapters of Cyril, of holy memory, formerly archbishop of

the holy Catholic Church of the Alexandrians. We confess, moreover, that

the only begotten Son of God, himself God, who truly became man, namely,

our Lord Jesus Christ, is consubstantial with the Father as to his

godhead, and the same consubstantial with ourselves as respects his

manhood; that having descended and become flesh of the Holy Ghost and

Mary, the Virgin and Theotokos, He is one and not two; for we affirm that

both His miracles and the sufferings which He voluntarily endured in the

flesh, are of one; for we do not in any degree admit those who either make

a division or a confusion or introduce a phantom; inasmuch as His truly

sinless incarnation from the Theotokos did not produce an addition of a

son, because the Trinity continued as a Trinity, even when one of the

Trinity, God the Word, did become incarnate. Knowing, then, that neither

the holy orthodox churches of God in all places nor the priests, highly

beloved of God, who are at their head, nor our own sovereignty, have

allowed or do allow any other symbol or definition of faith than the

before-mentioned holy teaching, we have united ourselves thereunto without

hesitation. And these things we write, not as making an innovation upon

the faith, but to satisfy you; and every one who has held or holds any

other opinion, either at the present or at another time, whether at

Chalcedon or in any synod whatever, we anathematize; and specially the

aforementioned Nestorius and Eutyches, and those who maintain their

doctrines. Link yourselves, therefore, to the spiritual mother, the

Church, and in her enjoy divine communion with us, according to the

aforesaid one and only definition of the faith of the three hundred and

eighteen holy Fathers. For your all-holy mother, the Church, waits to

embrace you as true children, and longs to hear your gentle voice so long

withheld. Speed yourselves, therefore, for by so doing you will both draw

toward yourselves the favor of our Master and Saviour and God, Jesus

Christ, and be commended by our sovereignty.

