The Donatist Schism Under Consta

The Donatist schism arose in connection with the Diocletian persecution,

in part over the policy of Mensurius of Carthage regarding the fanatical

desire for martyrdom and the delivery of the sacred books according to the

edict of persecution. Combined with this were the personal ambitions of

the Archdeacon Caecilianus, the offended dignity of the Primas of Numidia,

Bishop Secundus of Tigisi, and the pique of a wealthy female devote

Lucilla. It was mixed up with the customs of the North African church,

whereby the Primas of Numidia exercised a leading authority in the conduct

of the election of the bishop of Carthage, and also with the notion

prevalent in the same church, for which also Cyprian contended in the

controversy on the baptism of heretics [see § 52], that the validity of a

sacrament depended in some way upon the personal character of the minister

of that sacrament. It was asserted by the partisans of Secundus, who

elected Majorinus bishop of Carthage, that Felix of Aptunga, the

consecrator of Caecilianus, who had been elected by the other party, had

delivered the sacred books to the heathen officials, and was therefore

guilty as a traditor. A schism, accordingly, arose in Carthage which

spread rapidly throughout North Africa. The party of Majorinus soon came

under the lead of Donatus the Great, his successor in the schismatical see

of Carthage. The Donatist schism became of importance almost at once, and

as it was inconsistent with Constantine's religious policy, which called

for Church unity,(97) it presented an immediate difficulty in the

execution of laws granting favors to the Catholic Church.(98) On account

of the interests involved, the schism was of long duration, lasting after

the conquest of North Africa by the Vandals, and even to the Saracen

conquest, though long since of no importance.

Anulinus. Ep. ad Constantinum, in Augustine, Ep. 88. (MSG, 33:303.)

To Constantine Augustus from Anulinus, a man of proconsular rank,

proconsul of Africa.

The welcome and adored celestial writings sent by your Majesty to

Caecilianus, and those who act under him and are called clergy, I have

devoutly taken care to record in the archives of my humility, and have

exhorted those parties that when unity has been made by the consent of

all, since they are seen to be exempt from all other burdens by your

Majesty's clemency, and having preserved the Catholic unity, they should

devote themselves to their duties with the reverence due the sanctity of

the law and to divine things. After a few days, however, there arose some,

to whom a crowd of people joined themselves, who thought that proceedings

should be taken against Caecilianus and presented me a sealed packet

wrapped in leather and a small document without seal, and earnestly

requested that I should transmit them to the sacred and venerable court of

your divinity, which your Majesty's most humble servant has taken care to

do, Caecilianus continuing meanwhile as he was. The acts pertaining to the

case have been subjoined, in order that your Majesty may be able to make a

decision concerning the whole matter. I have sent two documents, one in a

leathern envelope entitled "A Document of the Catholic Church, the Charges

against Caecilianus, Furnished by the Party of Majorinus"; the other

attached without a seal to the same leathern envelope. Given on the 17th

day before the calends of May, in the third consulship of our Lord

Constantine Augustus [April 15, 313].

