The Empire Under Constantine And

Constantine became sole Emperor of the West, 312, and by the defeat of

Licinius, July 23, 324, sole ruler of the entire Roman Empire. On his

death, May 22, 337, his three sons divided between them the imperial

dignity: Constantine II (337-340), taking Gaul, Spain, and Britain;

Constans (337-350), Italy, Africa, and Illyria, and in 340 receiving the

share of Constantine II; Constantius (337-361), taking the East, including

/> Egypt. Of these three the ablest was Constantius who, after the renewed

Persian war (337-350), became, on the death of Constans, sole Emperor.

Although the imperial authority was divided and the ecclesiastical policy

of each Emperor followed the religious condition and theological

complexion of his respective portion of the Empire, the social conditions

were everywhere much the same. There were under Constantine and also under

his sons the continuation of that centralization which had already been

carried far by Diocletian, the same court ceremonial and all that went

with it, and the development of the bureaucratic system of administration.

The economic conditions steadily declined as the imperial system became

constantly more burdensome (v. supra, § 55), and the changes in the

distribution of wealth and the administration of landed property affected

disastrously large sections of the populace. A characteristic feature of

Roman society, which affected the position of the Church not a little, was

the tendency to regard callings and trades as hereditary, and by the

fourth century this was enforced by law. The aim of this legislation was

to provide workmen to care for the great public undertakings for the

support of the populace of the cities and for the maintenance of the

public business. This policy affected both the humble artisan and the

citizen of curial rank. The former, although given various privileges, was

crushed down by being obliged to continue in what was often an

unprofitable occupation; the latter was made responsible for the taxes and

various public burdens which custom, gradually becoming law, laid upon

him. Constant attempt was made by great numbers to escape these burdens

and disabilities by recourse to other occupations, and especially to the

Christian ministry with its immunities (see § 59, c). Constant

legislation endeavored to prevent this and restore men to their hereditary

places. The following extracts from the Theodosian Code are enactments of

Constantine, and are intended to illustrate the condition, under that

Emperor, of the law as to hereditary occupations and guilds, and the

position of the curiales, so as to explain the law as to admission to the


(a) Codex Theodosianus, XIII, 5, 1; A. D. 314.

The Theodosian Code was a collection of law made at the command of

Theodosius II, A. D. 438. See § 80. It was intended to comprise

all the laws of general application made since the accession of

Constantine and arranged under appropriate titles.

If a shipman shall have been originally a lighterman, none the less he

shall remain permanently among those among whom it shall appear that his

parents had been.

(b) Codex Theodosianus, XIII, 5, 3; A. D. 319.

If any shipman shall have obtained surreptitiously or in any other way

immunity, it is our will that he be not at all admitted to plead any

exemption. But also if any one possess a patrimony liable to the duties of

a shipman, although he may be of higher dignity, the privileges of honor

shall be of no avail to him in this matter, but let him be held to this

duty either by the whole or in proportion. For it is not just that when a

patrimony liable to this public duty has been excused all should not bear

the common burden in proportion to ability.

(c) Codex Theodosianus, XIV, 4, 1; A. D. 334.

Because the guild of swineherds has fallen off to but few, we command that

they plead in the presence of the Roman people, for the defence should be

made to them for whom the burden was established. Therefore let them know

that the personal property of the swineherds is liable to public burdens

and let them choose one of two courses: either let them retain the

property which is liable to the functions of swineherd, and let themselves

be held to the duty of swineherd, or let them name some suitable person

whom they will, who shall satisfy the same requirement. For we suffer no

one to be exempt from the obligation of this thing, but whether they have

advanced in honors, or by some fraud have escaped, we command that they be

brought back and the same thing performed, the Roman people being present

and witnessing, and we are to be consulted, that we may take note of those

who make use of these shifts; as for further avoidance of public duties,

it is by no means to be granted any, but he who shall have been able to

escape shall run danger of his safety, the privilege having been taken

away from him.

(d) Codex Theodosianus, XII, 1, 11; A. D. 325.

The following laws illustrate the attempts of the curiales to

escape their burdens.

Because some have forsaken the curiae and have fled to the camps of the

soldiery, we prescribe that all who shall be found not yet indebted to the

chief centurion, are to be dismissed from the soldiery and returned to the

same curiae; those only are to remain among the soldiery who are retained

on account of the necessities of the place or the troop.

(e) Codex Theodosianus, XII, 1, 12; A. D. 325.

If any one belongs in a larger or smaller town and desiring to avoid the

same, betakes himself to another for the sake of dwelling there, and shall

have attempted to make petitions concerning this or shall have relied upon

any sort of fraud that he may escape the birth from his own city, let him

bear the burden of the decurionate of both cities, of one because it was

his choice, of the other because of his birth.

(f) Codex Theodosianus, XVI, 2, 3, cf. XVI, 2, 6; A. D. 326.

Since a constitution that has been issued prescribes that thereafter no

decurion nor child of a decurion or person with suitable wealth and able

to support the public burdens shall have recourse to the name and duties

of the clergy, but only those shall be called to the place of the deceased

who are of small fortune and are not held liable to civil burdens, we have

learned that some have been molested, who before the promulgation of the

said law had joined themselves to the company of the priests. Therefore we

decree that these shall be free from all annoyance, but those who after

the promulgation of the law, to avoid their public duties took recourse to

the number of the clergy, shall be separated from that body and restored

to their curial rank and made liable for their civil duties.

