The Repression Of Heathenism Und

Constantine's religious policy in respect to heathenism may have been from

the first to establish Christianity as the sole religion of the Empire and

to put down heathenism. If so, in the execution of that policy he

proceeded with great caution, especially in the period before his victory

over Licinius. It looks at times as if for a while he aimed at a parity of

religions. Certain is the fact that only as conditions became more
favorable to active measures of repression he increased the severity of

his laws against what was of doubtful legality in heathenism, though he

was statesman enough to recognize the difference in the religious

conditions between the East and the West, especially as to the hold which

Christianity had upon the mass of the people. While his measures in the

East became constantly harsher, in the West he tolerated heathenism. The

commonly received theory is that Constantine changed his policy. All the

facts can be as easily understood on the hypothesis that as a statesman he

had constant regard to the advisability of drastic execution of a policy

which he in theory accepted and would have carried out in its entirety

everywhere if he had been able.

Additional source material: Eusebius, Vita Constantini (PNF),

II. 44 f., 47 f., 54 ff.

(a) Codex Theodosianus, IX, 16, 2; A. D. 319.

Private sacrifices forbidden.

Haruspices and priests and those accustomed to serve this rite we forbid

to enter any private house, or under the pretence of friendship to cross

the threshold of another, under the penalty established against them if

they contemn the law.(96) But those of you who regard this rite, approach

the public altars and shrines and celebrate the solemnities of your

custom; for we do not indeed prohibit the duties of the old usage to be

performed in broad daylight.

(b) Codex Theodosianus, XVI, 10, 1; A. D. 320-321.

Haruspicia in certain circumstances to be observed.

If any part of our palace or other public buildings should be struck by

lightning let the custom be retained of the ancient observance as to what

it signifies, and let it be examined by the haruspices and very carefully

written down, collected, and brought to our attention; to others also the

permission of practising this custom is conceded, provided they refrain

from domestic sacrifices, which are expressly forbidden.

(c) Codex Theodosianus. XV, 1, 3; A. D. 326.

Unfinished heathen temples need not be completed.

We direct that the judges of the provinces be warned not to give orders

for any new work before they complete the buildings left incomplete by

their predecessors, the erection of temples only being excepted.

