The Rise And Extension Of Islam

Mohammed (571-632) began his work as a prophet at Mecca about 613, having

been "called" about three years earlier. He was driven from Mecca in 622

and fled to Yathrib, afterward known as Medina. Here he was able to unite

warring factions and, placing himself at their head, to build up despotic

authority over the surrounding country. He steadily increased the

territory under his sway, and by conquests and diplomacy was able to gain<
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Mecca in 629. Before his death in 632 he had conquered all Arabia. His

authority continued in his family after his death, and the course of

conquest went on. Damascus was conquered in 635; in 636 the Emperor

Heraclius was driven to abandon Syria, which now fell into the hands of

the Moslems. In 637 the Persians were forced back. In 640 Egypt was taken,

and by 650 all between Carthage and the eastern border of Persia had been

acquired for Islam. In 693, after a period of civil war, the work of

conquest was resumed. In 709 all the African coast as far as the Straits

of Gibraltar was gained, and in 711 the Moslems entered Spain. They at

once made themselves masters of the peninsula with the exception of a

small strip in the north in the mountains of Asturias, the kingdom of

Gallicia. Crossing the Pyrenees, they attempted to possess Gaul, but were

forced to retreat from central Gaul by Charles Martel at the battle at

Tours and Poitiers in 732. They maintained themselves north of the

Pyrenees until 759 when they were driven out of Narbonne and across the


Additional source material: The Koran, standard translation by

E. H. Palmer, in the Sacred Books of the East; Stanley

Lane-Poole, Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Mohammed.

(a) Mohammed, Koran (translation of E. H. Palmer).

Surah CXII.

The Unity of God.

The following surah or chapter of the Koran, entitled "The Chapter

of Unity," Mohammed regarded as of value equal to two-thirds of

the whole book. It is one of the shortest and most famous.

In the name of the merciful and compassionate God, say:

"He is God alone!

God the Eternal.

He begets not and is not begotten!

Nor is there like unto Him any one."

Surah V, 73, 76, 109 ff.

The teaching as to the nature and mission of Jesus.

[73.] Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews, and the Sabaeans,

and the Christians, whosoever believes in God and the last day and does

what is right, there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

[76.] They misbelieve who say, "Verily, God is the Messiah, the son of

Mary"; but the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord

and your Lord." Verily he who associates aught with God, God hath

forbidden him paradise, and his resort is the fire, and the unjust shall

have none to help them.

They misbelieve who say, "Verily, God is the third of three"; for there is

no God but one, and if they do not desist from what they say, there shall

touch those who misbelieve amongst them grievous woe.

Will they not turn toward God and ask pardon of Him? for God is forgiving

and merciful.

The Messiah, the son of Mary, is only a prophet; prophets before him have

passed away: and His mother was a confessor.

[109.] When God said, "O Jesus, son of Mary! remember my favors towards

thee and towards thy mother, when I aided thee with the Holy Ghost, till

thou didst speak to men in the cradle and when grown up.

"And when I taught thee the Book and wisdom and the law and the gospel;

when thou didst create of clay, as it were, the likeness of a bird, by my

power, and didst blow thereon, it became a bird;(281) and thou didst heal

the blind from birth, and the leprous by my permission; and when thou

didst bring forth the dead by my permission; and when I did ward off the

children of Israel from thee, and when thou didst come to them with

manifest signs, and those who misbelieved among them said: 'This is naught

but obvious magic.'

"And when I inspired the Apostles that they should believe in Him and in

my Apostle, they said, 'We believe; do thou bear witness that we are

resigned.' "

[116.] And when God said, "O Jesus, son of Mary! is it thou who dost say

to men, take me and my mother for two gods, beside God?" He said: "I

celebrate thy praise! what ails me that I should say what I have no right

to? If I had said it, Thou wouldest have known it; Thou knowest what is in

my soul, but I know not what is in Thy soul; verily Thou art one who

knoweth the unseen. I never told them save what Thou didst bid me,

'Worship God, my Lord and your Lord,' and I was a witness against them so

long as I was among them, but when Thou didst take me away to Thyself Thou

wert the watcher over them, for Thou art witness over all."

Surah IV, 152.

Relation of Islam to Judaism and Christianity.

[152.] The people of the Book will ask thee to bring down for them a book

from heaven; but they asked Moses a greater thing than that, for they

said, "Show us God openly"; but the thunderbolt caught them in their

injustice. Then they took a calf, after what had come to them of manifest

signs; but we pardoned that, and gave Moses obvious authority. And we held

over them the mountain at their compact, and said to them, "Enter ye the

door adoring," and we said to them, "Transgress not on the Sabbath day,"

and we took from them a rigid compact.

But for that they broke their compact, and for their misbelief in God's

signs, and for their killing the prophets undeservedly, and for their

saying, "Our hearts are uncircumcised"--nay, God hath stamped on them their

misbelief, so that they cannot believe, except a few--and for their

misbelief, and for their saying about Mary a mighty calumny, and for their

saying, "Verily we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the

apostle of God," but they did not kill Him, and they did not crucify Him,

but a similitude was made for them. And verily, those who differ about Him

are in doubt concerning Him; they have no knowledge concerning Him, but

only follow an opinion. They did not kill Him, for sure! nay God raised

Him up unto Himself; for God is mighty and wise!

[164.] O ye people of the Book! do not exceed in your religion, nor say

against God save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is but

the apostle of God and His Word, which He cast into Mary and a spirit from

Him; believe then in God and His apostles, and say not "Three." Have done!

it were better for you. God is only one God, celebrated be His praise that

He should beget a Son!

Surah LVI.

The delights of heaven and the pains of hell.

This description of the future life has been taken as

characteristic of the religion of Mohammed, but not quite fairly.

It is simply the Bedouin's idea of complete happiness, and is by

no means characteristic of the religion as the whole.

In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.

When the inevitable [day of judgment] happens; none shall call its

happening a lie!--abasing--exalting!

When the earth shall quake, quaking! and the mountains shall crumble,

crumbling, and become like motes dispersed!

And ye shall be three sorts;

And the fellows of the right hand--what right lucky fellows!

And the fellows of the left hand--what unlucky fellows!

And the foremost foremost!

These are they who are brought nigh,

In gardens of pleasure!

A crowd of those of yore, and a few of those of the latter day!

And gold-weft couches, reclining on them face to face.

Around them shall go eternal youths, with goblets and ewers and a cup of

flowing wine; no headache shall feed therefrom, nor shall their wits be


And fruits such as they deem the best;

And flesh of fowl as they desire;

And bright and large-eyed maids like hidden pearls;

A reward for that which they have done!

They shall hear no folly there and no sin;

Only the speech, "Peace, Peace!"

And the fellows of the right--what right lucky fellows!

Amid thornless lote trees.

And tal'h(282) trees with piles of fruit;

And outspread shade,

And water poured out;

And fruit in abundance, neither failing nor forbidden;

And beds upraised!

Verily we have produced them(283) a production,

And made them virgins, darlings of equal age (with their spouses) for the

fellows of the right!

A crowd of those of yore, and a crowd of those of the latter day!

And the fellows of the left--what unlucky fellows!

In hot blasts and boiling water;

And a shade of pitchy smoke,

Neither cool nor generous!

Verily they were affluent ere this, and did persist in mighty crime; and

used to say, "What, when we die, have become dust and bones, shall we

indeed be raised? or our fathers of yore?"

Say, "Verily, those of yore and those of the latter days shall surely be

gathered together unto the tryst of the well-known day."

"Then ye, O ye who err! who say it is a lie! shall eat of the Zaqqum(284)

tree and fill your bellies with it! a drink of boiling water! and drink as

drinks the thirsty camel!"

(b) Paulus Diaconus, Historia Langobardorum, VI, 46 ff. (MSL, 95:654.)

The Advance of the Saracens.

Ch. 46. At that time [A. D. 711] the people of the Saracens, crossing over

from Africa at a place which is called Ceuta, invaded all Spain. Then

after ten years, coming with their wives and children, they invaded as if

to settle in Aquitania, a province of Gaul. Charles(285) had at that time

a dispute with Eudo, prince of Aquitania. But they came to an agreement

and fought with perfect harmony against the Saracens. For the Franks fell

upon them(286) and slew three hundred and seventy-five thousand of them;

but on the side of the Franks only fifteen hundred fell. Eudo with his men

broke into their camp and slew many and laid waste all.

Ch. 47. At the same time [A. D. 717], the same people of the Saracens with

an immense army came and encompassed Constantinople and for three years

besieged it until, when the people had called upon God with great

earnestness, many of the enemy perished from hunger and cold and by war

and pestilence and so wearied out they abandoned the siege. When they had

left they carried on war against the people of the Bulgarians who were

beyond the Danube, but, vanquished by them also, they fled back to their

ships. But when they had put out to the deep sea, a sudden storm fell upon

them and many were drowned and their vessels were destroyed. But in

Constantinople three hundred thousand men died of the pestilence.

Ch. 48. Now when Liutprand heard that the Saracens, when Sardinia had been

laid waste, had also polluted those places where the bones of the holy

bishop Augustine, on account of the devastation of the barbarians, had

formerly been transported and solemnly buried, he sent thither and when he

had given a large sum obtained them and transported them to the city of

Pavia, where he buried them with the honor due so great a father.(287) In

these days the city of Narnia was conquered by the Lombards.

