God Careth For You.

"Nearly forty years ago I was given up by the doctors for a dying man

from consumption. I had a wife and five children dependent on me, and

for many months was unable to provide for them by my own labors. All our

earthly resources were gone, and one Sabbath morning, when breakfast was

over, we were entirely destitute; there was no meal in the barrel nor

oil in the cruse. In family worship I read the fortieth chapter of

Isaiah. I think up to that time I had never found the word of God so

sweet and precious. I had very near access in prayer, and was enabled to

lay my burden at the Saviour's feet. I closed with the Lord's Prayer; it

seemed made on purpose for me. I think the petition, 'Give us this day

our daily bread,' was offered in faith.

"_Within an hour there was a rap at the door_. When I opened it a young

man stood there who had come three miles to bring us bread, sugar, and

money. He apologized for coming on the Sabbath morning, but said an aunt

of his was at their house the evening before, and felt so anxious about

us she could not go away till he promised her he would come and bring us

those things."

