He Shall Direct Thy Paths

"I am a teacher by profession, and, a few years ago, I found myself

placed in a school whose every surrounding was utterly repugnant to my

tastes, and to all my ideas of right and wrong and what good teaching

should be. At first, I kept hoping that things would grow better, and

that I should, at least, be able to have some influence on the modes of

teaching; but I soon found that everything connected with the

ent was directed by the iron will of an unscrupulous and

tyrannical woman, whose laws were as irrevocable as those of the Medes

and Persians. I at once decided I could not stay there long, but I had

no other position in view, and it was not easy to secure one in the

middle of the term. As usual, I made it a subject of prayer, and the

result was that, in a short time, I was most unexpectedly, and without

the least solicitation on my part, offered a much better position, in

every respect, which, of course, I was only too thankful to accept. That

is only one instance, out of thousands I could name, where God has heard

and answered my prayers, and I believe He will do so to the end."

