How The Lord Blesses Those "who Give Liberally To His Cause.

A disciple of the Lord Jesus, poor in this world's goods, but rich in

faith, became greatly perplexed in regard to the meaning of the

forty-second verse of the fifth chapter of Matthew. The words are: "Give

to him that asketh thee; and from him that would borrow of thee turn not

thou away." After a season of prolonged mental inquiry, as to whether

the language was to be regarded as literal or not, she suddenly paused

d exclaimed: "It is easy enough to find out; test it and see."

It was Saturday. Her money, all but two dollars, had been expended in

providing for the Sabbath. The amount left, which was absolutely needed

for the following Monday, she put in her pocket, and went out.

On the street, a friend, whose husband had been for some time out of

business, met her and stated their distresses, and asked if she could

lend them _two dollars to last over the Sabbath_.

She was surprised. The test had come sooner than she expected, but,

without hesitation, the money was "_lent to the Lord,"_ and the now

penniless believer went home to wait and see.

Now mark the result. Monday came, and with it the needs to be supplied.

While pondering what course to pursue, a knock was heard, and, on

opening the door, a lady, with a bundle in her hand, inquired if she

could do a little work for her. Replying in the affirmative, and naming

the price, the lady took from her pocket-book two dollars, and handed it

to her, saying: "It is more than you ask, but you might as well have

it." "I was never more astonished," said this true disciple, "and

literally shouted for joy. I had tested and proved that the promises of

God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. I have never doubted

since; and though often in straits, I have always been delivered."

Would it not be well for Christians to "test" where they cannot

understand? "Ye are my friends," said the blessed Lord, "if ye do

whatsoever I command you." Obedience will solve difficulties that

reasoning cannot unravel. Try and see.

