In Everything Make Known Your Wants.

"Six years ago, on the low country of South Carolina, a friend asked me

to go with him to a camp-meeting. I was delighted with the idea, for, in

my estimation, a good camp-meeting comes nearer heaven than any other

place on earth.

"Just three days before we were to go, an unexpected circumstance

connected with his business, made it impossible for him to leave. It was

with real heartfelt sorrow I heard of
t. The day before we were to have

started, as I saw another member of the family, who was going with a

friend, packing her trunk, it seemed to me I could not bear it. I

carried my trouble to my dear heavenly Father, begging him to send me a

way to go.

"I rose from my knees with the sweet assurance in my heart my prayer was

heard--packed my trunk and waited patiently. When night came and the men

came home, in the place of the expected buggy came a small spring-wagon,

and a seat for me. What may seem more remarkable, the change between

buggy and spring-wagon was made ten miles away, while I was praying.

"I believe I enjoyed the meeting more for the feeling of thankfulness

that pervaded my whole being while there."

