Recovery From Spinal Disease.

"Miss M---- is the daughter of a respectable farmer, an elder in a

Presbyterian church in Western Pennsylvania. When a young girl her spine

was injured while nursing her aged and helpless grandmother, and she has

been a great sufferer for many years. For eleven years she has not been

able to attend church nor to go from home, and for a long time was

unable to leave her chamber or her bed. Two years ago she was so ill

at hopes of her recovery were abandoned, her mind was thought to be

seriously, even hopelessly impaired. Her physician acknowledged that her

disease baffled his skill.

"A few months ago, being near her residence and hearing that her health

was better, I called on her, and to my surprise, found her able to sew,

walk about, and even go down stairs. She informed me that she suffered

so intensely from the remedies used for her cure, and constantly grew

worse, that she determined to do nothing more; it seemed like fighting

against God; she would put herself into His hands to do with her as He

pleased. Then it seemed to her that the Saviour came to her and said,

'M----, what aileth thee?' She told Him all her case, and He soothed and

comforted her. From that time she began to improve; the paroxysms of

pain grew less, and disappeared; her nervousness was relieved, she could

sleep, her mind was full of peace. She said, 'I am not cured, and do not

expect to be well, but I can bear what I have to suffer, and am willing

to depart whenever it is the Lord's will to take me away to himself.'"

