The Lord Can Do It.

"In one of the mountainous towns--says _The Christian_--in the north-

western part of Connecticut, there lived, some time since, an aged

couple who had seen some eighty years of earthly pilgrimage, and who, in

their declining days, enjoyed the care of a son and daughter, who

resided with them at their home.

"In process of time, the son became sick, and drew nigh the gates of

death. The doctor pronounced h
m incurable, saying that one lung was

consumed, and that he could live but a short time.

"The fear of her brother's death, and the thoughts of being left alone

to bear the responsibility of the aged parents' care, burdened the

sister's heart exceedingly, and led her to cry mightily to the Lord, to

interpose for his recovery, and spare him still to them; and her

importunate supplications ascended to God, until the answer came to her

heart as a sacred whisper,--'I have heard thy cry, and have come down to

deliver thee.'

"Comforted by this sweet assurance, she rejoiced exceedingly, knowing

that what our Heavenly Father promises he is abundantly able to perform,

and that He will fulfill his word, though heaven and earth shall pass

away. But her faith was destined to be tried, and, on the very day after

she had obtained the assurance of her brother's recovery, in came some

one, saying, 'The doctor says S---- can live but a little time.' For an

instant, these words were like a dagger to the sister's heart, but she

still held fast her confidence, and replied: 'If _men_ can't cure him,

the _Lord_ can.'

"From that very moment, the brother began to amend. On the next day,

when the physician came, he looked at him, commenced examining his

symptoms, and exclaimed in astonishment: 'What have you been doing? You

are evidently better, and I don't know but you will get up, after all.'

"His recovery was so rapid, that in two weeks' time he was out about his

customary duties on the farm; and that in weather so damp and foggy that

it would have kept some stronger men in-doors. But he was well; the

prayer of faith was answered, and it had saved the sick."

