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"you Must Not Go."
"aunt Sally's" Faith.
"'Aunt Sally,' says the _American Messenger_, was a devout, working, trustful Christian. Her husband was a cripple, almost helpless, an unbeliever, and to some extent an opposer of religion. They lived alone. The severity of a northern winter was ...
"god's Raven."
"A lady who lived on the north side of London, set out one day to see a poor sick friend, living in Drury Lane, and took with her a basket provided with tea, butter, and food. The day was fine and clear when she started; but as she drew near Islin...
"i Can't Stop To Pray."
"A deacon living in a Berkshire town was requested to give his prayers in behalf of a poor man with a large family who had broken his leg. 'I can't stop now to pray,' said the deacon (who was picking and barreling his early apples for the city mar...
"lending To The Lord."
"A physician who is not a professor of religion, in a neighboring city, has for many years exhibited an unshaken faith in that declaration. He told me that he has made many experiments on it, and the Lord has fulfilled his words, 'That which he ha...
"no Man Can Pluck Them Out Of My Father's Hand."
A brother says, "Jesus says this, and I rest just there." "A year ago I was in Philadelphia. I had resolved not to drink any liquor that day, but my resolution was soon broken. In the evening as I wandered the streets, that voice of God, '_Turn ye...
"none Of The Lord's Children Left Desolate."
"_The Christian Era_ tells of a Dutch preacher who held a meeting one evening in a strange city. While he was preaching, and enforcing upon the hearts of his hearers the doctrine of the Cross, a police officer came into the room and forbade him to...
"of Course He Will."
Mr. Moody also gives the story of a little child whose father and mother had died, and she was taken into another family. The first night she asked if she could pray, as she used to do. They said, Oh, yes! So she knelt down, and prayed as her mo...
"the Lord Will Provide."
A poor but pious widow in Boston, in her eighty-seventh year, said to a friend, "When I was left a widow with three little children, I was brought into such extremity that they were crying for bread, and I had nothing for them to eat. As I arose o...
"the Lord Woke Me Up In Time To Save My Clothes."
In the very top of a four-story building, used only for various manufacturing purposes, lived an old man and daughter. They lived literally _by faith in Christ_, from _day_ to _day_; one hour at a time. At his voice, followed Him, whether into dar...
"trust In The Lord."
"A poor negro woman, after the death of her husband, had no means of support for herself and two little children, except the labor of her own hands; yet she found means out of her deep poverty to give something for the promotion of the cause of he...
"you Must Not Go."
A remarkable instance of deep impression occasionally made by the Holy Spirit on the mind of the Rev. William Bramwell during prayer, occurred in Liverpool. A pious young woman, a member of Society, wished to go to her friends, then living in Jama...
An anonymous writer says of himself, that he commenced business and prosecuted it in the usual way till he lost $900, which was all he was worth, and found himself in debt $1,100. Being led by his trials to take God's word as his guide in business...
A Bad Debt Paid.
"To-day a bill was paid of $31, which I had given up as good for nothing. A long time ago I gave it to the Lord in prayer, and promised Him if it was ever canceled that it should be His." ...
A Bad Debt Paid.
A correspondent of Doctor Cullis, who was unable to collect a debt from a refractory and worthless debtor, promised to give it to the Lord, if it was ever paid. The following is his letter: "Perhaps you remember that the writer, some months ago,...
A Barrel Of Flour.
For the "Faith Home for Incurables" Mr. H. received, one day, five dollars. A barrel of flour was terribly needed. He went to a large house in New York, hoping the Lord would incline the proprietor to sell him a barrel for that sum. He felt too po...
A Bountiful Blessing.
"Some time ago I solicited your prayers for a blessing on my services, and _never, in all my life_ before have I been blessed as since that time. 'Tis truly wonderful; it has seemed as if I must have become some one else, and that it could not lon...
A Boy's Faith In Prayer
In a letter to Dr. W.W. Patton, by Mr. T.I. Goodwin, M.D., of Staten Island, he describes a little incident which happened to him when only thirteen years old. "He lost a choice penknife while collecting and driving several cows from a pasture ...
A Child Preserved From Wolves.
A little girl only nine years old, named Sutherland, living at Platteville, Col., was recently saved from death by ferocious forest wolves as follows: The child went with her father on a cold afternoon to the woods to find the cattle, and was told...
A Child Whose Life Was Saved In Answer To Prayer--by His Own Prayer The
A Child's Faith In The Lord's Prayer.
About the 30th of July, 1864, the beautiful village of Chambersburgh was invaded and pillaged by the Confederate army. A superintendent of a Sabbath school, formerly resident in the South, but who had been obliged to flee to the North because of h...
A Child's Prayer For Papa.
A drunkard, who had run through his property, returned one night to his unfurnished house. He entered his empty hall. Anguish was gnawing at his heart-strings, and language was inadequate to express his agony as he entered his wife's apartment, an...