The God Who Supplied Elijah By A Raven Supplied Me With Fish.

One of the most beautiful instances ever known, which almost identically

repeats the Bible over again, especially in the instance of Elijah as he

was fed in an unseen way by the hand of God, is given in the life of Mr.

Huntington. He was wholly unable to provide for his family, and could

depend only on God.

"As I went over a bridge, I cast my eye on the right-hand side, and

there lay a _very large eel_ on
the mud by the river side, apparently

dead. I caught hold of it and soon found it was only asleep. With

difficulty I got it safe out of the mud upon the grass, and then carried

it home. My little one was very fond of it, and it richly supplied all

her wants that day. But at night I was informed the eel was all gone, so

the next day afforded me the same distress and trouble as the preceding

day had done.

"The next morning, as I entered the garden gate, I saw a _partridge_ lie

dead on the walk. I took it up and found it warm; so I carried it home,

and it richly supplied the table of our little one that day.

"Again the next day still found me unprovided, and brought forth fresh

work for faith and prayer. However, the morrow took thought for the

things of itself, for when I came to take the scythe in my hand to mow

the short grass, I looked into the pond, and there I saw three very

large carp lying on the water apparently sick. When the master came I

told him of it. He went and looked and said they were dead, and told me

I might have them if I would, for they were not in season. However, they

came in due season to me. _And I found, morning after morning, there lay

two or three of these fish at a time, dead, just as I wanted them, till

I believe there was not one live fish remaining, six inches long, in the

pond, which was near three hundred feet in length._

"I could not help weeping, admiring the goodness of God. As I studied

the Bible, I clearly perceived that the most eminent saints of the Bible

were brought into _low_ circumstances, as Jacob, David, Moses, Joseph,

Job and Jeremiah, and all the apostles, in order that the hand of

providence might be watched."

