A Severe Tumor Healed.

During the year 1872, there was under the professional care of Dr.

Cullis, at the Consumptive's Home, a Christian lady with a tumor which

confined her almost continuously to her bed in severe suffering. All

remedies were unavailing, and the only human hope was the knife; but

feeling in my own heart the power of the promise, I one morning sat down

by her bedside, and taking up the Bible, I read aloud, God's promise to

s believing children. "_And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,

and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he have committed sins, they

shall be forgiven him_."

I then asked her if she would trust the Lord to remove this tumor and

restore her to health and to her missionary work. She replied, "I am

willing to trust the Lord for it."

I then knelt and anointed her with oil in the name of the Lord, asking

Him to fulfill his own word. Soon after I left she got up and walked

three miles. From that time the tumor rapidly lessened until all trace

of it at length disappeared.

