The Beginnings Of Councils As A

Ecclesiastical councils were the first defence against heresy. As the

Church had not as yet attained its hierarchical constitution and the

autonomy of the local church still persisted, these councils had little

more than the combined authority of the several members composing them.

They had, as yet, only moral force, and did not speak for the Church

officially. With the development of the episcopal constitution, the

ncils gained rapidly in authority.

Additional source material: See Eusebius, Hist. Ec., V, 16

(given above, § 25, a), V, 24; Tertullian, De Jejun., 13

(given below, § 38).

(a) Libellus Synodicus, Man. I, 723.

For a discussion of the credibility of the Libellus Synodicus, a

compilation of the ninth century, see Hefele, History of the

Councils, § 1.

A holy and provincial synod was held at Hierapolis in Asia by

Apollinarius, the most holy bishop of that city, and twenty-six other

bishops. In this synod Montanus and Maximilla, the false prophets, and at

the same time, Theodotus the tanner, were condemned and expelled. A holy

and local synod was gathered under the most holy Bishop Sotas of

Anchialus(51) and twelve other bishops, who condemned and rejected

Theodotus the tanner and Montanus together with Maximilla.

(b) Eusebius. Hist. Ec., V, 18. (MSG, 20:475.) Cf. Mirbt, n. 21.

The following should be connected with the first attempts of the

Church to meet the heresy of the Montanists by gatherings of

bishops. It also throws some light on the methods of dealing with

the new prophets.

Serapion, who, according to report, became bishop of Antioch at that time,

after Maximinus, mentions the works of Apollinarius against the

above-mentioned heresy. And he refers to him in a private letter to

Caricus and Pontius, in which he himself exposes the same heresy, adding

as follows: "That you may see that the doings of this lying band of new

prophecy, as it is called, are an abomination to all the brethren

throughout the world, I have sent you writings of the most blessed

Claudius Apollinarius, bishop of Hierapolis in Asia." In the same letter

of Serapion are found the signatures of several bishops, of whom one has

subscribed himself as follows: "I, Aurelius Cyrenius, a witness, pray for

your health." And another after this manner: "AElius Publius Julius, bishop

of Debeltum, a colony of Thrace. As God liveth in the heavens, the blessed

Sotas in Anchialus desired to cast the demon out of Priscilla, but the

hypocrites would not permit him." And the autograph signatures of many

other bishops who agreed with them are contained in the same letter.

