The Soul Cured As Well As The Body.

On many occasions she experienced wonderful help from God, who, while

performing marvels for the body, which is the least important part,

accomplishes what is far greater, even the salvation of souls.

"Among others, one named B. T----, went to her, who had been suffering

for six months from a disease of his bones, and had been for a

lengthened period in a Swiss hospital, under medical treatment. At

he, by the advice of Christian friends, sought for relief from

his malady at Dorothea's house. His care began in the first week of his

visit, and in a few weeks he was completely recovered."

On one occasion a young artisan came, in whom cancer had made such

progress as to render any approach to him almost unbearable.

"At the Bible lessons, this once frivolous man, now an earnest inquirer,

learned where the improvement must begin; and from the day that he

confessed his sins against God and man, the disease abated. Some time

afterwards he acknowledged one sin he had hitherto concealed, and then

he speedily recovered his bodily health, and returned to his home cured

in spirit also."

"A lady in S---- had so injured her knee by a fall, that for weeks she

lay in the greatest agony. The doctors declared that dropsy would

supervene; but the Heavenly Physician fulfilled those promises which

will abide until the end of the world; and by prayer, and the laying on

of Dorothea's hand, the knee was cured in twenty-four hours, and the

swelling vanished."

